I Bike I Vote: 2020 — News — Bikemore

I Bike I Vote: 2020

How to Vote in Baltimore City - General Election Edition

How to Vote in Baltimore Header graphic

Vote in this general election! Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd. Voting local is the single most important thing you can do to make Baltimore a more livable city.

So, this is your reminder to vote - either to send in your ballot, drop it off at a local ballot drop-off box, or show up for early voting or day-of voting. 

If you're unsure on how you can participate and vote this year, keep reading, or forward this email to a friend!

Already received your ballot in the mail?

Awesome! Everyone who has requested a mail-in ballot earlier this Summer/Fall should have received their ballot last week or should be receiving them this week. Don't wait to send it back. Fill it out as soon as you can following the instructions carefully, and drop it off at a ballot drop-off box, or send it back. No paid postage is necessary.

Not registered yet, or didn’t receive your ballot?

You can still register on Election Day at the polling locations, listed here

If you're not sure of your registration status or whether or not you are receiving a mail-in ballot, check your status here

Want to vote early in-person?

Early voting is available at a limited number of sites from Monday, October 26th - Monday, November 2nd, from 7:00am-8:00pm. 

You can find the full list of early voting locations here.

Want to vote on Election Day in-person?

Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd and polls are open from 7:00am-8:00pm. A limited number of polling locations will be open, and you can go to any of them, even if they aren't in your district. The full list of them is here. 

If you need transportation to and from a polling location, you can use a Lime scooter or a JUMP bike for free. Use the code LIMETOPOLLS2020 on your Lime app. Read about the Lime to the Polls Program here.

Who should you vote for?

Candidates Endorsed by Bikemore:

Brandon Scott | Mayor
Bill Henry | Comptroller
Zeke Cohen | 1st District
Ryan Dorsey | 3rd District
James Torrence | 7th District
Kristerfer Burnett | 8th District
John Bullock | 9th District
Eric Costello | 11th District
Franca Muller Paz | 12th District

Read more about all the candidates. 

Want live help or have questions?

You can call the Baltimore City Board of Elections at (410) 396-5550 or the Maryland State Board of Elections at (410) 269-2840 on Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. A staff person will pick up the phone and guide you through your questions.

This work is made possible through Bikemore in Action, our 501(c)(4) funded by hundreds of small donations from Baltimoreans.

Want to ensure Bikemore can continue advocating for mobility for all?  
Sign up to donate $10/month to Bikemore!

Endorsement: Franca Muller Paz for 12th District Baltimore City Council

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Bikemore has endorsed Green Party candidate Franca Muller Paz in Baltimore City Council District 12. Franca is a proven community organizer, union leader, and champion of young Baltimoreans, teaching Spanish at City College and advising student activists.

While Bikemore had not initially considered endorsements in the general election, Franca followed our process for endorsement consideration and more than met our criteria. 

Franca will fight for the 12th District and for all Baltimoreans--supporting a regional transit authority that will be better positioned to fight drastic Republican transit cuts, advocating for policies that make housing more affordable for working people, and ensuring hardworking Baltimoreans have safe ways to walk, bike, and take transit to work, play, eat, and pray.

The 12th District is home to both some of the largest re-development projects in Baltimore City and neighborhoods where the vast majority of residents lack access to a personal vehicle. Despite the 12th District’s champions at the state level for public transit that serves working people, the district’s current representation at City Hall has been missing at the table for conversations that affect whether or not these residents will have a reliable way to get to work, or even an affordable home they can come back to.

With Franca in office, the chair will no longer be empty. She will show up and fight for us.

To read Franca’s candidate questionnaire click here. To see a comparison of her answers with answers from the incumbent, click here.

Follow Franca on Social Media

Twitter: @francamullerpaz
Instagram: @francamullerpaz
Facebook: @FrancaMullerPaz1

Bikemore endorsed candidates win!

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As ballot counting in the Baltimore City Democratic primary election draws to a close, we are excited to announce victories for the following Bikemore endorsed candidates:

Brandon Scott, Mayor
Bill Henry, Comptroller
Zeke Cohen, 1st District
Ryan Dorsey, 3rd District
James Torrence, 7th District
Kristerfer Burnett, 8th District
John Bullock, 9th District
Eric Costello, 11th District

This is the first year Bikemore chose to endorse candidates for office. And it made a difference, especially in the mayor's race, where the race was incredibly tight and every vote counted.

As ballot counting draws to a close, we will update our #IBikeIVote2020 page with winners in all races so you can view their candidate questionnaires.

Congratulations to our endorsed candidates on their wins, and many thanks to all the candidates that put their heart and soul into running for office. Your dedication to Baltimore shines through and you made a difference sharing your ideas and vision for the future.

And thank you to everyone who volunteered on campaigns, phone banked, talked to their friends, and voted! You made made a difference and elected visionary leaders.

We're especially thrilled for Brandon Scott's victory, and expect to work closely with his team on recommendations for #ANewWayForward for improved and equitable transportation in Baltimore City.

How to Vote by Mail in Baltimore

Voting local is the single most important thing you can do to make Baltimore a more livable city. 

Due to COVID-19 this year’s primary election is now on June 2nd and is vote by mail. With the added complications, it’s even more important to get out the vote, and tell your friends!

Contact us with questions or concerns: info@bikemore.net

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Field organizing for political campaigns has to be completely reinvented due to COVID-19. Since campaigns can’t reach voters at their doorsteps, they have had to pivot to organizing primarily by phone and text. We are helping organize volunteers to make calls and texts for our endorsed candidates, and we need your help. Just a few hours of volunteering a week can reach thousands of potential supporters.

Sign up to volunteer to help Brandon Scott’s campaign.

Spread the Word!

Make a personal ask to your friends to help elect progressive leaders - share with them how to vote or who you’re voting for. Share our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram posts.

Or use the images below as headers on Facebook or Twitter to help spread the word!

Volunteer for Brandon Scott and Bill Henry!


Field organizing for political campaigns has to be completely reinvented due to COVID-19. Since campaigns can’t reach voters at their doorsteps, they have had to pivot to organizing primarily by phone and text. We are helping organize volunteers to make calls and texts for our endorsed candidates, and we need your help. Just a few hours of volunteering a week can reach thousands of potential supporters.

With Bikemore’s organizing base put to work, we can make a real difference in helping elect the candidates we’ve endorsed. 

Brandon Scott sees a new way forward for Baltimore, including strong commitments to complete streets, bike lanes, trails, and improving public transit. As Comptroller, Bill Henry will conduct needed audits and serve as a voice of reason on the city’s Board of Estimates. Both of these candidates will advance Bikemore’s agenda of a livable city that puts people ahead of cars.

Can you commit a few hours of time each week leading up to the June 2nd Primary to volunteer for our endorsed candidates Brandon Scott for Mayor or Bill Henry for Comptroller? 

Sign up here to volunteer

After you fill out the form, we’ll be in touch shortly with details about next steps.

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