Small things make a difference — Bikemore

Small things make a difference

Written by Patrice Kingsley, Bikemore Board President

I’m Patrice Kingsley, and I am proud to serve as the President of the Bikemore Board. I am usually behind the scenes, and don’t write much, but I hope to get to meet you in 2022! 

I moved to Baltimore in 2018 and have grown to love this city. There have been ups and downs as I learned to get around, but I have had a lot of help from advocates who exhibit such love for Baltimore. Sometimes the things we love, like our siblings or a used bike, are also where we see the greatest potential and clear opportunities to bridge the gap. For Baltimore, the clearest opportunity I see for the city is for our public spaces to bring us closer together, not farther apart.

Working with Bikemore has really helped me to connect my enjoyment of the places where I bike, walk, and play, to the larger systems that shape our experience living here. I’ve served on the Board since 2018 and been an ambassador, provided governance and leadership, and raised funds to help Bikemore grow. I am genuinely proud to be a part of an organization that advocates for a more connected city: one where I can take my son to the park, cross the street safely, or ride public transportation to work. The connections are both physical and relational - we know we can’t achieve anything without individuals and organizations across the region working to make transportation equity a reality. 

2021, like 2020, has been bittersweet. While we are still social distancing and finding new ways to pursue fellowship, we’re still reaching out and creating impact through collaborations through events like Cranksgiving and working with local organizations, passing the Transit Safety & Investment Act with our SaveMDTransit Coalition partners, and collaborating with Baltimore City Department of Transportation, Black People Ride Bikes, and Graham Projects to support new bike infrastructure, curb bump outs, traffic islands, and pedestrian crosswalks at 33rd & Hillen.

If you are reading this, it is likely that you have attended an event, visited the mobile bike shop, donated in the past, or simply reached out to learn more about the organization. You’re a part of this network, the connections that make our city strong. Thank you for continuing to support Bikemore. 

As we bring this year to a close, I would prompt you to think about how you can support our growth and success in 2022. Even a $5 monthly donation builds our capacity to continue providing the programming and advocacy that shapes our city. 

The Dalai Lama once said “If you think small things can’t make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito!” I think about that a lot as we work toward transportation equity in Baltimore, that through partnerships, collaboration, and some elbow grease, we are creating a more connected city. 

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