Photo Credit: Side A Photography
We usually like to share the highlight reel - big wins, happy moments, times when lots of us are together and celebrating. This Giving Tuesday, we wanted to share the everyday work that Bikemore does fundamentally change the way that our city thinks about our streets and public space.
Changing entrenched systems doesn't happen overnight; while you may have heard about our Lake2Lake project or Cranksgiving, we’ve also…
Spoke to over 250 residents about traffic-calming and bike infrastructure at 31 Mobile Bike Shops
Participated in over 200 hours of Community Meetings to support infrastructure projects in neighborhoods around Baltimore
Participated in over 100 hours of Baltimore City Dept. of Transportation and Dept. of Planning meetings
Supported over $100 million in transit, bike, and other planning grant awards
Attended 250+ hours of statewide transportation coalition meetings to pass the Transit Safety & Investment Action, a bill for the largest investment in MTA in generations
This is the work we do regularly. We show up to make sure there's always a voice to advocate for equitable, accessible, and transformative Complete Streets infrastructure. And to make it possible, we need your regular support.
The most sustainable way to support Bikemore is to set up a monthly donation. If just 366 people started a donation today, you would collectively fund one third of our annual budget. You would make Bikemore possible.
We’re really proud of our everyday work, because it means that we’re planting seeds in communities throughout Baltimore -- and that’s where true change happens.
Donations made through this form provide us unrestricted funding of our advocacy work, through our 501(c)(4) Bikemore in Action and are not tax-deductible. To make a charitable donation that may be tax-deductible, click here.