Photo credit Greater Mercer TMA
Civic Works has been responding to COVID-19 by exponentially increasing their food distribution to older folks in Baltimore City. Our older neighbors are at greater risk of developing severe cases of COVID-19, and their mobility has become more limited as a result.
Because Civic Works has reached their capacity, they reached out to Bikemore, asking if we knew how bikes could play a role in food distribution. We have a plan, but we need volunteers to make it happen.
Volunteers will be responsible for picking up food from a central location (currently Real Food Farms in Clifton Park) and delivering to clients’ homes. Bikemore will provide a simple orientation, safety checks on your bike, suggested routes to help you ride safely, and general support. Civic Works will provide health safety training and personal protective equipment (PPE) to all volunteers.
If you’re interested, sign up for a volunteer orientation today (held virtually via Zoom). If we have enough volunteers, we’ll be able to support Civic Works by volunteer bike deliveries to bring freshly prepared meals to older folks in Baltimore.
This is an ongoing weekly volunteer opportunity. We’ll update orientation times on a weekly basis.
All you need to volunteer:
A working bike that you feel comfortable riding
Some sort of equipment to carry food (at least 5-10 lbs) while you bike
A cell phone to communicate Bikemore/Civic Works staff and for GPS
To feel comfortable riding alone without support - you'll be responsible for any repairs you may need along the way
Availability on either Thursday and/or Friday anytime between 9am-5pm
Be healthy; not showing any symptoms of illness
Must be 18 years or older
Sign up to attend a volunteer orientation!
If you have any questions, reach out to Clarissa at