How to Vote by Mail in Baltimore
Voting local is the single most important thing you can do to make Baltimore a more livable city.
Due to COVID-19 this year’s primary election is now on June 2nd and is vote by mail. With the added complications, it’s even more important to get out the vote, and tell your friends!
Contact us with questions or concerns:
Field organizing for political campaigns has to be completely reinvented due to COVID-19. Since campaigns can’t reach voters at their doorsteps, they have had to pivot to organizing primarily by phone and text. We are helping organize volunteers to make calls and texts for our endorsed candidates, and we need your help. Just a few hours of volunteering a week can reach thousands of potential supporters.
Sign up to volunteer to help Brandon Scott’s campaign.
Spread the Word!
Make a personal ask to your friends to help elect progressive leaders - share with them how to vote or who you’re voting for. Share our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram posts.
Or use the images below as headers on Facebook or Twitter to help spread the word!