Neighbors biking and walking alongside Lake Montebello and the closed street around it, taken this summer.
Being Bikemore looks different in a pandemic. First off, we miss you. It felt strange to go a whole summer without programs that get us out in the community connecting with all of you. That part of our work temporarily went on hold, but our work to make Baltimore a better place to walk, bike, and take transit remained constant.
The pandemic has put into relief why access to transit and safe places to bike is essential for public health. How do you get to a place that is distributing emergency food? How do the 40% of transit riders that qualify as essential workers continue to get to their job when the State threatens to eliminate whole bus routes?
The pandemic has also led us to examine public space. Can we help keep businesses open if we turn a parking space into outdoor dining? What about places you can play and stay active? Are there enough in every neighborhood?
These are policy issues that demand consistent advocacy. Every day we work to ensure that the policy decisions that determine our quality of life during the pandemic take into account the people impacted the most, but who are often considered the least.
One bright spot in all this is witnessing so many people biking. We see it everywhere. New faces in the bike lane. People from all walks of life biking around Lake Montebello. Parents trying out biking with their children for the first time. It’s been inspiring to see folks starting their own bike movement.
We want to ensure that you can remain connected to Baltimore through safe streets, trails, intersections, and public transportation - during and beyond this pandemic.
You can help build streets for people. Whether it’s a one- time donation or committing to $5 a month, your donations make up a third of our operating budget. We are ready to fight. Will you join us? Please consider a donation to Bikemore today.