David Marriott, Candidate for Mayor (Green)

In an effort to educate voters, we will be posting responses to our candidate questionnaire. Questionnaires were emailed to each candidate running for City Council, President of City Council, and Mayor. Candidates have until March 4th to submit. We are publishing results in the order they are received.

How frequently do you use a mode of transportation other than your car to navigate the city? Based on your experience, where should the city prioritize resources for transportation?

DM: When not driving the City, I enjoy walking or going for a run twice per week. We tend to miss so much when we are in vehicles driving by, so many historical landmarks, buildings, and homes right here in Baltimore. Its time for Baltimore to start looking into technology that will reduce the foot print on our environment. Solar is the way of the future, and we need to revisit this technology for answers.

What role do you believe biking and walking improvements can play in creating a safer, healthier, more livable Baltimore?

DM: The City has a parking and traffic issue as we have all seen, but with biking or walking we can reduce our foot print on the environment. We can't go wrong with less emissions and more caring for our city, Its a win, win situation.

Are you supportive of the city’s plan to implement bike share in 2016? If so, what do you believe to be the critical components of success?

DM: I am for any option that will diversify the city with different forms of transportation which will reduce our foot print on the environment. The plans should include meetings with bike groups that regularly ride in the city. It's important to hear from citizens using these types of transportation and not just coming up with policies to please a few tourist or provide conveniences in certain areas. In order to make this work we need to hear from those who know what is needed to make this run like a well oiled machine. Based on a business model calculation of a 1% demand with 620,000 residents...using the 1% as the lowest possible figure, we need a lot more Bikes than a few hundred. So using just common sense I would say this plan is not for the entire City of Baltimore, just for an area of the City. We must take a better look at this program and decide what the goal really is.

Recent audits have discovered that the Department of Transportation struggles to measure key performance indicators. The city’s procurement and project management processes have also faced scrutiny. This has led to significant delays of key improvements to bicycle infrastructure in Baltimore. How will you work to improve performance and accountability of city agencies like the Department of Transportation under your leadership?

DM: Fixing the budget for me is a rather simple task. My years in business has taught me how to cut the waste, tighten the spending and ask others to do the jobs they were hired to do. Lets get the job done for the greater good. Government spending is wasteful in so many ways and its time to bring us back to a balanced budget. I will review all the expenses and ensure we can move the city forward, not only in transportation but with every agency in the city.

What impact do you see increasing rates of biking and walking in Baltimore having on the public health and safety of our residents? In what ways will your administration invest in the creation of safe places to encourage more people to engage in physical activity?

DM: In the modern world the most important concern for everyone is safety, the preservation of life, safety of ourselves and loved ones is most important before anything else. As Mayor of Baltimore City our citizens won't have to live in fear of others. I will ensure we have a new proactive Police Department that will triumph over crime and reestablish faith in our communities. As a former Top Cop I know what it takes to make the streets safe, and its community involvement that makes this possible.

A recent study by Harvard economists found that the single strongest factor affecting the odds of a child escaping poverty is not the test scores of his or her local schools or the crime in the community; it is the percent of workers in his or her neighborhood who have long commutes. How do you plan to improve transportation options and commute times for our most vulnerable residents?

DM: I am currently reviewing several options, including the proposed redline development. I believe something's can be improved to make this happen, Its important for us to review other issues effecting our population as well, enabling better decision making.

Often road redesigns that improve the safety for people on bikes or people walking do so in a way that removes priority for single occupancy vehicles. This can look like removing lanes for travel or decreasing available street parking. Can you describe how you would manage public expectations during project implementation, and handle any backlash from constituents that don’t share in the City’s vision for complete streets?

DM:  have a transportation partnership plan of action that will encourage residents to use their vehicles less, promoting safer roads and less vehicles on the streets. Our plan will also help create employment for others as well. Signage would clearly indicate to share the roads with bikes and pedestrians. So often traffic and pedestrian lights are unclear and people are struck by vehicles regularly. It comes down to organization/synchronization of our traffic signals and improved education of our drivers thru signage and enforcement of local laws by our police department/code enforcement before others will truly understand the importance of following safety rules. If no one enforces the rules, no one will obey, we all see this everyday in the city. The funds received from those cited for failure to obey laws will fund new educational programs for law breakers. Funding will also provide new safety equipment, signage and educational commercials for more public education.

What other information about your candidacy would you like to share with our members?

DM: I would like to thank everyone involved in the Largest Mayoral campaign race in recent history. Its truly an historical event and I am honored to be a part of it. Participation from our younger residents is very important this is their future we are planning. It's been my dream to change Baltimore proving we don't need the biggest check book to win the race, just the will and your vote! I believe in taking a common sense approach to life and its issues. As Mayor of Baltimore I will bring the city to new highs and lead Baltimore City into supremacy. We all love that our city is affordable and diverse for all law abiding citizens to live, lets make it better. We will bring new business, residents, jobs, careers and homes to a city with such great history and people. Your support is imperative for change, our vote is our voice!

David Marriott

Alan Walden, Candidate for Mayor (R)

In an effort to educate voters, we will be posting responses to our candidate questionnaire. Questionnaires were emailed to each candidate running for City Council, President of City Council, and Mayor. Candidates have until March 4th to submit. We are publishing results in the order they are received.

How frequently do you use a mode of transportation other than your car to navigate the city? Based on your experience, where should the city prioritize resources for transportation?

AW: I use the light rail line fairly often and am a strong supporter of mass transit.

What role do you believe biking and walking improvements can play in creating a safer, healthier, more livable Baltimore?

AW: It depends on the definition of "improvements."

Are you supportive of the city’s plan to implement bike share in 2016? If so, what do you believe to be the critical components of success?

AW: Bike share may make sense if enough people are interested.

Recent audits have discovered that the Department of Transportation struggles to measure key performance indicators. The city’s procurement and project management processes have also faced scrutiny. This has led to significant delays of key improvements to bicycle infrastructure in Baltimore. How will you work to improve performance and accountability of city agencies like the Department of Transportation under your leadership?

AW: Ease of transportation (all modes) is one of my principal concerns. We have to move people more easily around the city.

What impact do you see increasing rates of biking and walking in Baltimore having on the public health and safety of our residents? In what ways will your administration invest in the creation of safe places to encourage more people to engage in physical activity?

AW: While the health benefits of exercise, walking and biking, are obvious, it is not, in my opinion, the job of government to require that people engage in either. Exercise is a personal choice. And while such activities can and should be encouraged, they cannot and should not be mandated.

A recent study by Harvard economists found that the single strongest factor affecting the odds of a child escaping poverty is not the test scores of his or her local schools or the crime in the community; it is the percent of workers in his or her neighborhood who have long commutes. How do you plan to improve transportation options and commute times for our most vulnerable residents?

AW: Mass transportation must be realigned to serve those for whom long commutes translate into an unacceptable burden.

Often road redesigns that improve the safety for people on bikes or people walking do so in a way that removes priority for single occupancy vehicles. This can look like removing lanes for travel or decreasing available street parking. Can you describe how you would manage public expectations during project implementation, and handle any backlash from constituents that don’t share in the City’s vision for complete streets?

AW: Like it or not, motor vehicle transportation is central to our society for the movement of both people and goods. Roads must not only be made safer for cyclists and walkers; they must also allow for the smooth transit of automobiles an trucks.

What other information about your candidacy would you like to share with our members?

AW: Drivers and cyclists/walkers can easily coexist as long as each respects the rights and life-style of the other. It has been my experience that far too many cyclists ignore traffic laws and display open contempt of motorists. A greater measure of mutual respect and civility in required.


Sharon Green Middleton, Candidate for City Council-6th District

 In an effort to educate voters, we will be posting responses to our candidate questionnaire. Questionnaires were emailed to each candidate running for City Council, President of City Council, and Mayor. Candidates have until March 4th to submit. We are publishing results in the order they are received. 

How frequently do you use a mode of transportation other than your car to navigate the city? Based on your experience, where should the city prioritize resources for transportation?

SGM: Not very frequently, due to the nature of my job, I navigate through many different locations of the City, many different times of the day. The City should prioritize resources for transportation, through routes where the Charm City Circulator travels to neighborhoods/schools, bike sharing spots, traditional and point to point car sharing, spots, and bus light rail hubs.

What role do you believe biking and walking improvements can play in creating a safer, healthier, more livable Baltimore?

SGM: Biking and walking improvements play an important role. The "Complete Streets" initiative started in District 6 and became a Citywide event. Baltimore has wonderful parks, like the Jones Falls Trails, Patterson Park, and Leakin / Gwynns Fall,etc. These kinds of exposures can support cyclists, pedestrians, neighborhoods, and green space efforts throughout the City.

Often road redesigns that improve the safety for people on bikes or people walking do so in a way that removes priority for single occupant vehicles. This can look like removing lanes for travel or decreasing available street parking. Can you describe how you would manage public expectations during project implementation, and handle any backlash from constituents that don’t share in the City’s vision for complete streets?

SGM: That is taking place in an area of District 6 now. The planning and partnership began with community associations, and city agency meetings, emails, newsletters and master plan implementation. The key is making sure the lines of communication is consistent and transparent throughout the entire process.

Recent audits have discovered that the Department of Transportation struggles to measure key performance indicators. The city’s procurement and project management processes have also faced scrutiny. This has led to significant delays of key improvements to bicycle infrastructure in Baltimore. How will you work to improve performance and accountability of city agencies like the Department of Transportation under your leadership?

SGM: The entire procurement process must be re-evaluated. Discussions, meetings with the Mayor and administration, and/or informational hearings through City Council is a start to address the problem. Communication on issues are key.

The percentage of people choosing to take public transit or ride a bike for transportation is increasing in Baltimore, while the percentage of residents without access to a vehicle is over 30%. How would you rate the city’s current investment in sustainable transportation solutions for its residents, and as a council person what would you do to support increased investment?

SGM: Many areas in District 6 either use Bus or Car as main mode of transportation. It also has several large public/private school locations that service the entire City. The MTA bus system needs much improvements to the quality of services. I would advocate and work for funding to transit, bicycling, and walking projects, education & awareness programs, and expand pilot safe routes to school program with access to more bike racks. Increase bike racks in City owned garages and parks, etc.

A recent study by Harvard economists found that the single strongest factor affecting the odds of a child escaping poverty is not the test scores of his or her local schools or the crime in the community; it is the percent of workers in his or her neighborhood who have long commutes. How do you plan to improve transportation options and commute times for our most vulnerable residents?

SGM: Yes. The 5th and 6th Districts has already partnered with the MTA and held their 1st Bus Forum to address concerns. A follow-up meeting is planned. I support mixed-use neighborhoods to increase access to goods and services. Also promote pedestrian and transit oriented neighborhoods. Improved public education and outreach of services, cleaner, handicap accessibility, safer buses with possible security officer and better lighting on buses and hubs. Most of all, helping to keep the cost of ridership and transfers low, reliable, and on time to destinations.


Mark Parker, Candidate for City Council-1st District

In an effort to educate voters, we will be posting responses to our candidate questionnaire. Questionnaires were emailed to each candidate running for City Council, President of City Council, and Mayor. Candidates have until March 4th to submit. We are publishing results in the order they are received. 

How frequently do you use a mode of transportation other than your car to navigate the city? Based on your experience, where should the city prioritize resources for transportation? 

MP: I sold my personal car two years ago and get around almost entirely by bicycle. In truly bad weather I'll take buses, but generally don't use them because they are slower, sometimes unreliable, cost money, and don't give me any exercise. I supplement my riding  with Zipcar and Uber depending on weather, timing, and distance.

Two priorities. First, complete streets so that pedestrians and cyclists and move around safely, and so that transit vehicles can move freely and quickly. Since I've begun riding full time I've had many conversations with my neighbors about their transit choices. The main opposition to cycling and walking--for those for whom it would make sense in terms of distance and health--is unsafe streets and the lack of infrastructure. We can fix that.

Second, we need major rail investments to serve as the backbone of our transit system. Subways, light rails, and commuter rail serve as the primary arteries for truly functional transit systems. Whatever the next proposal is now that the Red Line has been killed, we need to start the planning process now so that we can immediately push forward on it the next day a transit-friendly governor takes over in Annapolis.

What role do you believe biking and walking improvements can play in creating a safer, healthier, more livable Baltimore? 

MP: Our current streetscape is designed to accommodate cars before any other form of transportation. It was not always so--look at the compact, walkable historic neighborhoods in our city--and need not be so in the future.

Improving our design and infrastructure to make transit, walking, and cycling equally supported as forms of transportation is critical. Many Baltimore communities, especially within two or three miles of downtown, are primed to be great walking, cycling, and transit neighborhoods. They ought to be wonderfully livable places--and yet our current car-focused transportation investments leave each of them isolated from one another and without easy and safe access to the rest of the city.

Often road redesigns that improve the safety for people on bikes or people walking do so in a way that removes priority for single occupant vehicles. This can look like removing lanes for travel or decreasing available street parking. Can you describe how you would manage public expectations during project implementation, and handle any backlash from constituents that don’t share in the City’s vision for complete streets? 

MP: Southeast Baltimore is perhaps one of the best places to see if a widespread complete streets vision can be accomplished, with public support, in Baltimore. First, the density and proximity to downtown and other locations makes walking and riding attractive transportation options. Second, traffic is SO terrible, the street capacity so limited, and new development so robust that nearly everyone in Southeast Baltimore, even the most car-loving and conservative people, acknowledge that there is no real future for cars alone in our section of the city. I think that a councilperson and other elected officials dedicated to a complete streets design approach could make a compelling case to Southeast residents that a different strategy would be necessary if we want to have any sort of decent transportation options or livability here.

In terms of managing public expectations, there are a few things there. Clear and consistent communication is essential. Significantly increasing the traffic mitigation fees paid by developers, and limiting the number of new parking spaces required with new development, would help satisfy many of the loudest voices on transportation and convince them that we were moving in the right direction. Finally, there would be a lot of good will earned if proposed development projects were put temporarily on hold to allow the city to catch up on the transportation improvements necessary to make those projects viable. Transportation investment lags significantly behind commercial and residential development, and catching up with deferred needs would demonstrate to residents that the City had made significant improvements in transportation planning and implementation.

Recent audits have discovered that the Department of Transportation struggles to measure key performance indicators. The city’s procurement and project management processes have also faced scrutiny. This has led to significant delays of key improvements to bicycle infrastructure in Baltimore. How will you work to improve performance and accountability of city agencies like the Department of Transportation under your leadership? 

MP: I was speaking today with a former high official in a different city agency. Their recommendation? Just completely replace DOT. ""It's like something out of 1975.""

The three main ways that a City Councilperson can influence an agency like DOT are: 1) public hearings demanding accountability for spending and failed projects; 2) mobilizing the power of the press and public opinion to put pressure on DOT officials to actually handle their responsibilities; 3) digging deep into DOT expenditures as part of the budget process, and withholding funds if DOT can't or refuses to answer questions related to past spending or delayed projects.

The percentage of people choosing to take public transit or ride a bike for transportation is increasing in Baltimore, while the percentage of residents without access to a vehicle is over 30%. How would you rate the city’s current investment in sustainable transportation solutions for its residents, and as a council person what would you do to support increased investment?

MP: I would rate the city's current investment in sustainable transportation solutions to be poor--though it depends a bit on one's perspective. Compared to many other cities, our investment in transit as well as walkable & bikable streets is pathetic. Compared to our past, we're doing better and, I think, are starting to pick up the base of change around the city.

The trickiest aspect is that bus, subway, commuter rail, and light rail service are all controlled by a state agency, and significant investment in any or all of those services requires federal and state funds. I'll certainly do all that I can as a councilperson to obtain more transit funding at the state and federal level. I'll push in particular for a start on planning for the next generation of rail transit in our city.

The City Council does have significant influence over complete streets construction and the creation of new bicycle infrastructure. I'll certainly be advocating for that increased investment within the council chamber and with my fellow council members.

A recent study by Harvard economists found that the single strongest factor affecting the odds of a child escaping poverty is not the test scores of his or her local schools or the crime in the community; it is the percent of workers in his or her neighborhood who have long commutes. How do you plan to improve transportation options and commute times for our most vulnerable residents? 

MP: The short fix is doing everything possible to improve bus service in Baltimore, in particular by amending and improving the governor's BaltimoreLink proposal. More substantial long-term improvements to transportation options and commute times will come through investment like expanding the subway to Morgan and beyond, as well as constructing a new east-west light rail line.

I think we'd be better off with the MTA not as a state agency but as a purely regional body paid for and supported by the local municipalities. That would improve long-term planning and provide for a more healthy and directly democratic avenue for engagement in transit oversight and improvements.

What other information about your candidacy would you like to share with our members? 

MP: I ride my bike places because it's the best possible transportation option for me. I have a one block commute to work. Almost the entirety of my time is spent engaged in community initiatives here in Southeast Baltimore, so I can walk to most of those commitments. Beyond that, I rarely need to go farther than seven miles--an easy and quick distance by bike. Given the challenges of city traffic and parking, I usually make it to places faster than I would by car. Plus I'm saving money and getting much-needed exercise at the same time.

The costs of owning and driving a car are often hidden. Stepping out our front door and hopping in a car feels free and easy. The reality is that car ownership costs more money than we realize, for us as individuals but also for our society as a whole: road construction and maintenance, auto accidents, time wasted in congestion, and the public health impacts of poor air quality.

Eliminating car ownership doesn't make sense, just like biking isn't the best option for everyone. But we can help make other transportation options ""make sense"" for more people if we make investments so that buses are clean and dependable, that biking on city streets is safe, and that walking through the neighborhood or to work downtown isn't dangerous. It's about using public policy and public money to create a more level playing field for all transportation options, setting residents free to weigh the real cost and benefit of each and make decisions that are good for them and the community as well.



Antonio A. Asa, Candidate for City Council-7th District

In an effort to educate voters, we will be posting responses to our candidate questionnaire. Questionnaires were emailed to each candidate running for City Council, President of City Council, and Mayor. Candidates have until March 4th to submit. We are publishing results in the order they are received. 

How frequently do you use a mode of transportation other than your car to navigate the city? Based on your experience, where should the city prioritize resources for transportation? 

I walk.  A leg injury does not facilitate bike riding anymore.

What role do you believe biking and walking improvements can play in creating a safer, healthier, more livable Baltimore? 

I believe they both promote healthier citizens.

Often road redesigns that improve the safety for people on bikes or people walking do so in a way that removes priority for single occupant vehicles. This can look like removing lanes for travel or decreasing available street parking. Can you describe how you would manage public expectations during project implementation, and handle any backlash from constituents that don’t share in the City’s vision for complete streets? 

The same method that Leakin Park has should work any place.

Recent audits have discovered that the Department of Transportation struggles to measure key performance indicators. The city’s procurement and project management processes have also faced scrutiny. This has led to significant delays of key improvements to bicycle infrastructure in Baltimore. How will you work to improve performance and accountability of city agencies like the Department of Transportation under your leadership? 

Honestly, I have never given it thought. However, meeting with such groups should produce suggestions which I am certainly open to perform.

The percentage of people choosing to take public transit or ride a bike for transportation is increasing in Baltimore, while the percentage of residents without access to a vehicle is over 30%. How would you rate the city’s current investment in sustainable transportation solutions for its residents, and as a council person what would you do to support increased investment? 

I favor additional shuttle services . Bike lanes which would be safer than riding in the streets.

A recent study by Harvard economists found that the single strongest factor affecting the odds of a child escaping poverty is not the test scores of his or her local schools or the crime in the community; it is the percent of workers in his or her neighborhood who have long commutes. How do you plan to improve transportation options and commute times for our most vulnerable residents? 

Shuttle services seem to be a great concern especially for the elderly.

What other information about your candidacy would you like to share with our members? 

People ask such coined phrases as “What is your platform”?  I do not entertain the idea for one moment that a one size fit all concept can be a solution. Each community and association requires special considerations very much like children. I want to know the interest and concerns of all groups because I work for you.