Mizz Texas Brown — Bikemore

Mizz Texas Brown

Candidate for: Mayor

  1. Describe your vision of a healthy, safe, and equitable transportation system for Baltimore city and what roles walking, biking, and public transportation play in that vision.

    Baltimore has an Outstanding Public transit system, We need our Public operations to continue to provide Excellent services, Bike lanes extended in areas that need it the most, Better opportunities for people that walk to be within a block of a nearby bus stop, light rail or Subway if needed. Better opportunities and pricing to keep Baltimore as Green as we can. Alternative transportation helps with my mission "The Greener the Better"

  2. To meet Baltimore City’s adopted climate goals, we must shift at least 10% of current automobile vehicle miles traveled to active transportation and public transit. What is your plan to achieve this goal?

    There are quite a few Baltimore that take Public transportation, including me! We need to make sure we have adequate routes and buses, subways, and light rail throughout our the City at all times! You deserve a Guaranteed safe ride home no matter what time it may be.

  3. What is your plan to continue to reduce the number of injuries and deaths on Baltimore City roadways each year?

    We need Tougher penalties for distracted drivers that are texting and driving, harsher DWI laws for all offenders. Drinking and driving is never okay. As a driver you are Responsible for creating a safe driving environment!

  4. How often do you walk, bike or use public transit to reach daily destinations? If not often (or at all), what would make you more likely to use non-personal vehicle modes of transportation?

    I do not own a Car!. I have taken Baltimore's public transportation for the past 12 years! And will continue to take it after I'm elected! It is actually quite reliable as long as you have your app. But MTA must continue to improve Services Without constant price increases.

  5. In 2017, Baltimore City adopted the Separated Bike Lane Network Plan Addendum to the Bike Master Plan. This called for connecting 85% of Baltimore’s neighborhoods to safe, all-ages bike infrastructure by 2022. Less than 20% of this network has been built. What would you do to accelerate implementation?

    My commitment is to get as much as we can get done for this cause! This is Vital for All Baltimore residents that depend on, and want to be able to use alternative modes if transportation!.

  6. In 2018, Baltimore City received national recognition for passing the first equity driven Complete Streets ordinance in the country. This legislation contains a modal hierarchy prioritizing vulnerable road users and mandates best practices in roadway configuration and design. Are you committed to retaining this ordinance and the current practices and modal hierarchy it mandates?

    If It works, use it! Unless this project is causing issues amongst other projects!

    I'm all for one less thing that will take me away from fixing real serious issues!

  7. What is your position on The Red Line alternatives? If a surface route is selected, are you committed to ensuring the route has 100% dedicated right-of-way, even if it may require significant parking removal? Are you committed to the in-development multi-use trail segment along Boston Street and a parallel separated bike facility in a northern alignment, even if they may require significant parking removal as well?

    Yes, This project is important for more Baltimore citizens to have access their jobs and being able to go where they need using public transportation! We have an abundance of people that truly depend on being able to move around the City independently. So this reality is beneficial for Baltimore and All who need it.

  8. What is your position on the MTA’s North/South Corridor alternatives? If a surface route is selected, are you committed to ensuring the route has 100% dedicated right-of-way, even if it may require significant parking removal? Are you committed to a parallel separated bike facility, even if it may require significant parking removal as well?

    I want the best situation that helps our residents. I will look at this project and make sure all aspects are considered for all around! I JUST can't say if it is fisible to remove something that maybe needed! There is quite a few parking problems as well. All of this has to be addressed.

  9. The Baltimore Greenway Trails Network is an adopted city plan to create a 35 mile multi-use trail loop through Baltimore, connecting the vast majority of city neighborhoods and institutions to parks, greenspace, and existing trails. Are you supportive of this effort, and if so how will you ensure portions of the project in your district are constructed?

    Yes! Making sure the proper financial structure is in place so that the portions that are to be constructed are done in a timely manner. Baltimore residents deserve an opportunity for Everyone to have adequate access through our our City!

    Agree or disagree?

  10. Do you support maintaining the city’s micro-mobility program that provides dockless bikes and scooters?


  11. Would you support creation of a government subsidized bike share system?


  12. Would you support local legislation to subsidize the purchase of e-bikes and membership for micro-mobility or bike share systems?


  13. Are you committed to retaining every piece of separated bike infrastructure in the city that’s been built?


  14. Cars are often longer than a single rowhome is wide. Households with multiple vehicles compete for parking in front of other neighbors’ homes. Do you support scaling residential permit parking fees to either the size of or number of vehicles in a household so those with more vehicles parked on city streets pay their fair share?


  15. Do you support a citywide speed limit of 25mph on arterials and 20mph on neighborhood streets?


  16. Do you support banning turns on red at all intersections that permit pedestrian crossing?


  17. Do you support expanding automated enforcement to all roads that have high rates of crashes and speeding, not just near school zones?


  18. Do you support legislation to create income-based traffic enforcement fine reductions or waivers locally?


  19. Do you support allowing increased density adjacent to high-quality transit, grocery stores, Main Street districts, and in other high-amenity neighborhoods?


  20. Do you support increasing Transit Oriented Development zoning to include all areas within a quarter mile of high-frequency bus routes and a half-mile of light rail and metro stations?


  21. Minimum parking requirements are shown to increase housing costs while limiting potential density and making neighborhoods less walkable. Do you support removing parking minimums from new development?


  22. Do you support removing single family residential zoning categories, so that people can choose to build and live in a variety of housing options citywide?
