The bike community has come together to hold a ride in memory of Tom Palermo. We're taking a moment to gather through this casual, ride-as-you-are, charity bike ride. Bikemore is pleased to be both a supporter and recipient of proceeds for the ride.
All proceeds from registration will be donated towards bike advocacy programs and infrastructure throughout the region in Tom's name at the request of his loving family. As a result, we have designed a route that is almost entirely made up of some of the city's newest bike lanes in hopes of raising both rider and motorist awareness to their safety and accessibility.
The ride will begin at noon on Saturday, December 17th at Tom's memorial bike, located in Roland Park (at the intersection of Roland Ave. & Drohomer Place). The ride will then end at the "Bags, Boards, and Beers popup market" at Union Craft Brewery as riders roll in at their own place. Union (which is a 21 & over establishment) will remain open until 5pm, so folks can stay as long as they choose.
Register here. | View the route.
Brought to you by Twenty20 Cycling, Bikemore, Bishop Bikes, Baltimore Bicycle Works and Joe's Bike Shop.
*Please note that this is an unsupported event, so please bring everything that you will need to complete the approximate 12mi city ride. By participating in this event, you are riding at your own risk.